
Saturday, October 8

Hello from a New Design Team Member

Hello my fine feathered friends! 
I am so very excited to have been chosen to be a member of this design team!

I thought I would share a bit about myself...

I'm a mom of 3 teenagers (ages 16, 15, 14, OH MY!!) and three super fun dogs. I've been married to my hubby for 16 years. He's an auto mechanic and the neighborhood car problem fixer-upper. We live in my hometown in a quiet neighborhood in a very cute, teeny tiny house in Ohio.

I've always been crafty. I started using a glue gun way too young :) and I was always drawing or doodling or coloring. In Jr. High I entered art competitions. In high school, I didn't like the art teacher so I went to drama instead. I was both onstage and backstage, and did some set design and painting.
I had a high school scrapbook- a HUGE book from the Hallmark Store with Snoopy on the front. By the time I graduated, that thing was so full it would no longer close, and I had a bungee cord around it! I loved that book and had everything in it. See, I was scrapbooking before it was cool!

I discovered scrapbooking and rubber stamping about 13 years ago. I was a makeup consultant and got the idea that I would like to make my own thank you cards, rather than buying the expensive ones from my company...It was all down hill from there!

Along with scrapbooking and rubber stamping, I also do mixed media work and paint. I show at a local art gallery, and I have an Etsy shop and a website I'm still working on.

I hope you like the projects I'll be showing you over the next few months! I really love working with this stuff so far!

On with the show....
 Here's a shot of my Crafty haven, my hiding place from those crazy hormonal beasties that live in my house! Usually a mess, in chaos, but I love it....During the winter I will be moving to the other side of the basement, with the laundry, and re-organizing, which will be super fun!


I have a simple but fun project to share with you today! 

I used the Amazing Clear Cast resin kit in a silicone ice cube mold from the dollar store. 
I added red dye and pearl metallic powder to the resin. 
I also threw in some pretty little yellow star spangles. 
 So, you mix up your resin as the package directs, adding the dye and powder.
 Pour it into your mold.
Sprinkle your spangles on top.
Now, when I make more of these, I will fill the mold half way and put my spangles on.
Let it set till it gels and fill the mold the rest of the way, so you'll see more of the stars.
Let it set 24 hrs, pop them out, and rub a little black Staz On ink onto the details.
Pretty cool, don't ya think!!
I'm going to put a bail on one and wear it as a necklace!

And because EVERY post should have a dose of cute...
Here's Sammy saying "Have a great weekend"!