
Thursday, January 5

Start Going Through Your Jewelry Drawers!

I hope today's necklace will have you ooohing and ahhhing! And when you see what the original piece looked like, you will really be amazed!

I've always loved jewelry, and can't even begin to tell you where all of the drawers full of old pieces have even come from! This antique lapel pin had beautiful designs, but it was just pot metal, and not very attractive. So out comes the Amazing Mold Putty!

After my mold was complete, I wanted to try "dusting" areas of my design with Metallic Powders .I took a small dry paint brush, picked up a light amount of the powder and tapped it into the flower designs.

I had mixed up some of the Amazing Clear Cast, and added a little green tint to it using the Alumilite Dyes.

I slowly poured the green Amazing Clear Cast into the mold - and these were my results - not bad for a first try.

But after I had a nice cast, I could see there were many details that I could have highlighted that I didn't. So since I already had my mold, I was ready to try again. This time, I used more colors of powders and really took my time filling in the mold. I used the Amazing Clear Cast without any dye this time - and here were the final results -

I love how this turned out! So, don't overlook junk jewelry - they can be your new treasures!