
Monday, July 29

AMAZING Inspiration You've Never Thought Of...
by Rachel Whetzel

Hello, AMAZING people!! Rachel Whetzel, here again to show you my latest inspired piece! I am a farmer. I have milking goats, and I make cheese and butter with their milk. I also have a registered herd name, that uses a monster that my husband and his brother imagined up when they were kids. They called it a MigMog, and when our own kids were little, Uncle Trever was kind enough to terrorize our middle son with thoughts of the terrifying beast. Eventually, we decided that MigMogs weren't really so terrible, and that they behaved like mischievous kids, and smelled like stinky farts. When he was about 6, our middle son drew a picture of what he imagined the MigMog to look like, so when we named our farm MigMog Acres, I decided to design my logo using my son's picture.

Then I got the idea to create my own custom butter and cheese stamp with that logo on it, using Creative Paperclay® to sculpt the logo, and then make a mold/stamp with the FOOD SAFE Amazing Mold Putty!! Here's a picture of what my butter looks like imprinted with the stamp I made!

What food safe products have YOU made using
Amazing Crafting Products?

Please share your projects in the comments below! If you create something inspired by my idea, please leave a comment with a link here, so I can come and visit to see! I would love for you to visit me at my "house" too!! Thank you so much for reading!! ~ rachel


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