
Thursday, July 19

Amazing Clear Cast Resin Pendant

This month I used the Clear Cast Resin. It takes 24-48 hours to dry (depending on the weather) But the things you can do are so endless because it dries clear. That means you can use different items in it and they show through. I had to stop myself because my mind was going crazy. So what I did this month was a jewelry piece. I am a jewelry maker and I thought I would make a pendant from this awesome stuff. I made a mold from my Amazing Mold Putty with a plastic container for as big as I wanted my piece to be. I then chose scrapbook paper and tore it to size and set it aside as I mixed my resin. Once I had stirred my resin for 2 minutes or so (it has about a ten minute working time) I poured a bottom layer in my putty piece, then I placed my paper, added a bit of glitter and then finished off with the resin to the amount I wanted and thickness for the pendant.
I let it dry for a day and a half just to make sure it was dry and popped it right out. I was upset as it wasn't clear, so i asked my group "what did I do wrong?" They told me to paint a thin coat of the resin over it and it would clear up and sure enough it did! What a great tip! I let that dry overnight and then my pendant was finished! I wrapped it with some foil tape from the jewelry section and a bit of alcohol ink on the tape. I added a jump ring to the back with Sakura 3d laquer and let it dry. I put it on a chain with a few small keys and it is ready to wear.

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