
Wednesday, October 31

Twilight Bella Bracelet

Okay, I have a friend who is a total Twi-Hard.  With the new movie just around the corner, I wanted to make a bracelet for her (you know which one I mean . . . the one with the carved wolf charm from Jacob and the diamond heart charm from Edward).  I knew I had some faceted glass hearts but that I only had one little carved wolf charm; and well . . . that one is mine - lol.  So I decided to really put Amazing Mold Putty and Casting Resin to the test.  This charm is only about 22mm long and about 10mm tall - it is tiny.  But take a look at this!

I have to say how excited and impressed I am with the Amazing Mold Putty and it's ability to hold even the most minute detail.  I was a little skeptical to try this because of the small size of the wolf charm.  I  thought that this project might be too small for a design team post.  But to be perfectly honest, I really want to show off how well this worked and how much detail the finished product has.

I started with making the mold by mixing your Amazing Mold Putty (equal parts A and B) and kneading it like play-doh until it is a solid medium yellow color.  For this project I used very little product but can see myself using the mold over and over again.

Apply your putty to the item you want to mold and allow the putty to set (if this is your first time using Amazing Mold Putty, please refer to their website for detailed instructions) - click here.

Next, You will mix your Casting Resin (use the link above for detailed instructions) - equal parts A and B. As soon as parts A and B are thoroughly mixed you can begin pouring into your mold (It will turn an opaque milky white (see below) when it is completely hardened (unless you are using the clear resin of course).

Once the resin is completely hardened, pop it out of the mold.  I did have an issue getting the ring right, so I just inserted a jump ring into the back of the resin before it hardened, which I think I like better anyway - it's less noticeable than the large wood ring on the original.

You can't see the detail quite as well before it's painted, but if you look really closely (click on the image to enlarge it) you can see that the mold catches every single nook and cranny in that charm!  I am beyond impressed.  I made a couple to try different color techniques.  In the end I chose the one I colored with alcohol ink, but I think they all came out pretty good; what do you think?

To be honest, I like mine better than the original (the top one is the original).  They look even better in person.  So, for all you Twi-Hards out there (or anyone else who has a one-of-a-kind piece that you want to use more than once). . . just think of the possibilities.

Make sure to check out the Amazing Mold Putty website to sample (or replenish) these Amazing products. Visit their blog for more Amazing projects.

Thanks for stopping in to check out my project.

~ Make Today Count
