Hello all you mold lovers! Kristie Taylor here with a new adventure in mold making. Anyone who knows me knows that I love babydoll art... and hearts... and steampunk – and of course using Amazing Casting Products to make these things.
So today I want to show you how I combined my some amazing cast resin shapes with a sardine can and some chipboard to create "Frederick". Please join me as I show you how easy it is!
Sometimes a set of beautifully detailed wings is all it takes to really set off an idea! That's what happened with this project – I already have a lot of the ingredients cast out of Amazing Casting Resin in my stash, but I needed that little "something extra" to really set it off.

Then I remembered these wings that came off of a beat up vintage tree topper that I had found at a local thrift store!
First, I gathered these molds from my stash – many using Amazing Mold Putty and one using Amazing Mold Rubber. Then I used Amazing Casting Resin the make casts from them.
Then I needed a head – so I got one from my stash! I quickly made a mold with Amazing Mold Putty and when cured, I filled it with Amazing Casting Resin.
Now you may wonder why I didn't just use the head?!! The reason is that I wanted it to be flat on the back... and besides, I will probably use this face for another project!
Now let's make a mold of these lovely wings!
I went to my stash of containers and found one that was a suitable size for both wings to fit. I glued the wings to the lid with a hot glue gun, making sure they don't touch the sides of the container, and that they have enough room between them.
I sprayed the inside of the container and the wings with UMR mold release spray. I sealed the lid with hot glue, making sure I have a good seal so that the Amazing Remelt doesn't leak out. I flipped the can over and removed the bottom – my mold box is complete.
Melt the Amazing Remelt following instructions in the microwave and pour into the can {CLICK HERE to view preparation}. Set aside to allow the mold to harden.
Once the Amazing Remelt is fully cooled and hardened, I can remove the mold from the can and remove the original plastic wings.
I used a craft knife to cut down the sides of the mold to remove the wings. This is OK - I can use rubberbands to hold the mold together when I fill with resin.
Look at all that detail in there!
Mix equal parts of Amazing Clear Cast Resin according to instructions. I let this rest for 5-10 minutes to release air bubbles, then poured into the mold {CLICK HERE to view mixing/preparation}. While these cure, I can move on to preparing and painting other parts.
Once cured, I painted the resin wings, face and other resin cast pieces with Gesso. I used my fingertip to apply gesso onto the face so that there would be more texture.
I used Aves Apoxie Sculpt to attach the head, collar and wings to the outside of a recycled sardine can. I started the assemblage for the inside of the can, using E6000 adhesive to hold everything in place, then painted the can with Ten Second Studio Verday paint.
I painted the wings and face with black craft paint,
then with Golden fluid acrylic interference colors.
Then I added Ten Second Studio rusting paint. That is it!
Now I have a beautiful angel
with lovely wings!
Meet Frederick!
Isn't he just a lovely little guy? He flies on the wings of time looking for his one true love and keeps his clockwork heart safe and sound inside his chest until he finds her. Is it you??!!

Isn't he just lovely?!! I love him so much and this project is made from a LOT of pieces cast with Amazing Casting Products!
Thank you so much for stopping by today...
now get out there and mold all the things!!
What altered things will you create
with DIY cast resin wings??!
with DIY cast resin wings??!
Thank you so much for stopping by today! ~ Kristie
To see more of my work, please visit my blog, "The Scrapinater",
over on my YouTube Channel or on Instagram.
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