If you are anything like me you are out with your child or children on Halloween and there is no one at home to give out candy. This year instead of just leaving the candy in a dish that says "take one," I created this spooky little beauty to hand out the candy for me.
If you want to make this project you will need a skull shaped item to use as your original, a box, a strip of chipboard, a candle, some craft paints, and most importantly, Amazing Mold Putty and Amazing Casting Resin.

I started by choosing one of my husband's beer stein's that is shaped like a pirate skeleton. I used equal parts of "A" and "B" of the Amazing Mold Putty (link above) and kneaded them together until they were a solid color of medium yellow (no white streaks showing at all). Because I was covering such a large area, I did use two good sized balls of putty (each one was a little larger than a golf ball). I probably didn't need quite as much as I used, but I wanted to be sure my surface was covered well.
Once the putty is well mixed I pressed it onto the stein making sure to press our any air bubbles or your mold will have "pit marks" in it.
Once I spread the putty and held the stein up to the light I could see spots where it was too thin for my liking so I just took some of the excess and used it for "patches."
The mold sets up so quickly that I didn't have to wait long - if you are unsure whether or not your mold is "set-up," gently stick your fingernail into it. If your nail goes in and leaves a visible mark, wait a few more minutes. If it feels rubbery and your nail doesn't go in . . . it's ready!
The first thing I noticed was that there is a seam from the stein through the middle of my mold. In an effort to not have to do so much sanding afterwards, I did mix a tiny bit more putty and smoothed it into that line.
Next, I mixed my Amazing Casting Resin (link above). Since I knew I was going to paint it, I just used the white (plus, it was a spur of the moment project and I wanted it to set quickly). I poured the resin in and just before it was too thick to move around, I used my stir stick to put it up onto the sides a bit so I didn't have to have a super thick "mask."
While the skeleton was setting, I found a small shoe box and painted it black with craft paints. I used a strip of chipboard to make a "bridge" to go inside of the shoe box on which the skull and candle would sit. I painted that as well. By the time I finished this, the skull was ready to come out of the mold.
This is what he looked like fresh out of the mold. I plugged in my trusty dremmel and went to work sanding what was left of the seam lines. Other than that, he was perfect! I added a few different coats of paint (I can never leave well enough alone - lol) and voila . . .!
Next, I glued the skull to the candle and then glued them both onto the "bridge." Now my candy box is ready to leave on the door step on Halloween night.
I can't even tell you how quickly this project came together. With Amazing Crafting Products the process is so fast and simple you really can sit down to "play" and come away with a finished project in as little as a half an hour (okay, with my must add layer upon layer of paint it took me a whole hour). Click on this link to visit the Amazing Crafting Products website and order your putty and resin and get started on those Halloween projects!
Thanks for looking at my scary candy box.
~ Make Today Count
You can check out my blog at www.scrappinwendysway.blogspot.com