I wanted to make dozens of scarabs for Halloween decorations, but I didn't realize how much resin would be involved until I started. So I have devised a way to make an original in resin and then make copies of it using plaster and sand.
Things you'll need for this project:
- Found object to use as body of scarab
- Air dry clay
- Amazing Mold Rubber
- Amazing Casting Resin
- Alumilite Black Dye
- Interference Green Alumidust
- Hot glue gun
- Playground sand (I used a 50 lb package – approx. $5.00)
- Plaster
- Large box for sand
- Small box to use for mold
1.) First create your original.

I found a Transformers toy in the close-out section that came in a cool egg shape. I used the egg shape as the back of the scarab. I used air dry clay to sculpt the rest of the body. The legs are very delicate so it I had to make them thick enough so they wouldn't break when dry. The scarab is 7 inches long and 5 inches wide.
2.) Create a mold.

I then used a small cardboard box to be the base of my mold. I hot glued the scarab in the bottom of the box and mixed up the Amazing Mold Rubber and poured {CLICK HERE to view mixing/preparation}.
The mold came out great!

3.) Make a casting in resin.
Now to pour some Amazing Casting Resin {CLICK HERE to view mixing/preparation}. I originally thought I would be making dozens of these in resin, but then realized how much resin I would end up needing. Sorry, but I have more crafty things to make with my resin!

So I cast just one to use as as a decoration. I mixed Alumilite Black Dye with the Amazing Casting Resin and used some cool Alumidust on the shell... this Interference Green is awesome!!!
So you may be asking – why not just pour the plaster in the rubber mold? Well, to get plaster out of the mold you pull back the mold and you get this...

Unfortunately the plaster is too fragile and the legs broke off as I removed it from the mold.
4.) Make many from one.
So I came up with another way. I will use sand to serve as a mold and pour the plaster into that. To get the plaster out of the sand you just brush away the sand. So I ran down to the building supply store and bought a 50lb bag of playground sand for a whooping $5.00.
**TIP** also buy your plaster at the building supply store {not at the craft store} it is way cheaper.
I had an old box that a dozen glasses came in so I put a garbage bag inside and dumped in the sand. Then add some water so that the sand will stick to itself and pat it down to make a flat surface.

Press your object {I used the piece cast from Amazing Casting Resin} into the sand and gently pull it out. If the side walls collapse, then you need to add some more water to the sand. Repeat to make as many that will fit in sand box leaving ample space between each.
Then mix up your plaster and pour into each void. Wait for plaster to harden.
And then... Tada!!!
The legs were rather fragile being cast in plaster, so I poured it thicker and that is why there are more places that need clean up. These will embellish a wall in an Egyptian haunted house, so I am not too concerned about them being perfect.
The thing I love is the sand that is embedded in the hardened plaster. It looks like an ancient relic of sorts.
What handmade decorations
will you create for Halloween?
Now go and Craft Your Own Way! ~ Tanya
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