Hello! I'm
Rachel Whetzel. I'm so excited to be sharing for the first time here on the Amazing Mold Putty® blog!! Let me introduce myself a bit before I share my project with you...
I am a mixed media artist and doll maker. (Among a billionty other things! lol)
When I first saw Amazing Mold Putty®, I just KNEW that it would fit into my mixed media art and doll making. All of my pieces contain some form of thrifted, vintage treasure from my vast collection of collections.
You know. Because when you find something you like, you need to collect more than one of them... right?
For the piece I'm sharing today, I used one of my very favorite metal frames from my metal frame collection.
My favorite metal frame |
The problem is... I love this frame. I used to have two. I used one of them in a piece of art, which I love. So now, I have one left. You see where this is going? I've been avoiding using the second frame, because I didn't want to NOT have it to use any more. If you're an artist or a collector, I don't need to explain how THAT works in a person's mind.
Amazing Mold Putty®!!
Can you hear the angels singing? |
Supplies you'll need:
First, I used equal parts mold putty A and B and mixed them together in my hands until they were a uniform color yellow. (no white/yellow stripes) Then I molded the putty over the corner of the frame I was going to use. My frame is large, and my art piece was not going to be, so I only molded a portion of the frame, and created a frame "fragment" of sorts for my art piece.
Here's the backside of the frame with putty around it.
Once I allowed the putty time to cure, I pulled it off of my frame.
Because I was only making a fragment of the frame, and since that made the edges of the mold too shallow for resin to stay in, I added a small lip to the ends of the fragment to help hold in the resin when I poured it. That's actually one of the neat things about Amazing Mold Putty. You can go in and add to previously cured parts of a mold!! That's what I did here.
Next, I used equal parts of the Amazing Casting Resin, mixed them together, and poured that into the mold. Here's a photo of the resin in mid cure. It's pretty neat to watch it turn white as it cures.
Once the resin was hard, but not totally cured, I pulled it from the mold and trimmed sharp edges. I also sanded out the holes in the frame piece. I'm sure this can be done on a fully cured piece, but doing it on an only slightly cured piece seems to be easier.
Next, I painted my piece with a metallic paint. I painted a few coats to make sure I covered the resin thoroughly. After that paint was dry, I added dimension and age by painting a dark paint over the whole piece, and wiping off the top layer. I left the dark paint in the crevices of the piece.
Next, I got to work on my background piece. The base is an oval piece of glass I've had just waiting for a new life for a while now. I painted stripes on the back, glued map pages to it, and then spray painted lace and doilies on it.
Dribbled paint, and splatters added. I glued the frame fragment and other bits and pieces to the glass, and added a line from one of my son's favorite songs to it.
Close up of the frame fragment and all it's finery... Now I can use and use and RE USE my favorite frame without having to worry about not having it to use anymore!!
Thanks so much for coming along with me on this project!! Be sure to share any projects you make using ideas like this on the
Amazing Mold Putty® Facebook Page!!
I'd also love it if you visit me at "
my house"!!