Hello everyone! It's Tracy here and I wanted to share with you today a project I created that holds some memorabilia pieces. A few months back I purchased some wood pieces at an antique market that used to hold watch parts. I knew I wanted to use these with Amazing Clear Cast Resin at some point... easily transforming one into a keepsake.
I decided to join my parents, my in-laws, my husband and I in a hanging with some pieces that either belonged to them or had some special meaning. I gathered some pins, a jewelry charm, tigers eye, shells and a silver heart. I also made some clay hearts that I painted red and wrote the initials of each of us on them. I played around laying them in different spots until I found the way I wanted them.

I mixed up a small batch of equal parts of Amazing Clear Cast Resin and mixed it with some fine glitter {CLICK HERE to view mixing/preparation}. I filled up the small outside circles and the top one.

After letting cure for at least 24 hours, I mixed up another small batch of Amazing Clear Cast Resin with some gold glass glitter, then filling the bottom half of each of the center sections.

I wanted the resin to be cured, but not fully hardened so that I could lay each piece of memorabilia into the resin and it would "settle" and not move around when I add the final resin layer. I set aside to let resin completely harden.

Then I mixed up my final batch of Amazing Clear Cast Resin and filled each of the center sections to the top... covering the keepsakes in each.
After the resin is fully cured, this is ready to hang! I drill small holes in the top sides and screwed in small screws. I opened my stash of sari ribbon and tied a piece of cream sari ribbon to the top to hang it by.
I hope you enjoyed my little piece of family history.
See you again soon!
What ideas do you have
to preserve family history?
Stay tuned for more... ~ Tracy
You can find more of my work on my Blog: http://tracykrueger-nine.blogspot.com/2017/
or follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tracy.albrechtsonkrueger
or Instagram: www.instagram.com/tgkrueger
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