Hello everyone! It's Tracy here and I'm super excited to share with you my first project as an Amazing Casting Products Creative Team member! The project I'm sharing today is something I created to display at a Holiday Market that my employer holds every December. I knew I wanted to incorporate a technique I learned about 3 months ago... Fluid (or Flow) Painting.
I started by staining two wood plates with Minwax Classic Grey wood stain. I left the centers unstained as I will be painting that area with acrylics.
After the stain has dried thoroughly, I picked out the Acrylic paint colors I want to use. I usually always include black and white, then 2-3 other colors (here I've used 4 colors of Artist Loft paints from Michaels). If you've never tried Flow Painting, there are tons of videos and techniques on YouTube.
I taped the edges of the plate so I didn't accidentally get paint outside the middle of the plate. Then I took the plate and placed it on top of the cup containing all the colors combined, and flipped over – holding the two tightly together.
You want to wait a minute to let all of the paint settle, then lift the cup off of the plate and begin to gently tilt the plate so that the paint covers your surface. After surface is covered, I use a kitchen torch to make more of the "cells" appear (with flame couple of inches above the paint). Gently remove tape and place on a very flat/level surface. It's a good idea to covered them while drying – creating a "hood" so dust does not settle onto the paint. You will need about 24 - 48 hours for the paint to FULLY dry {depending on your climate/conditions drying time may vary}.
Now you are ready for your first coat of Amazing Clear Cast Resin. I mixed equal amounts of Parts "A" and "B" (I used two Tbsp. of each) according to the package directions, and poured onto the dry paint, using the stir stick to spread it around. Depending on the size of your substrate, you may need to vary amount of resin needed. I always let the resin cure 24 hours (sometimes even more) to make sure it is fully ready.
I pulled out some of my rub-ons and applied "Live, Laugh, Love" in white and "Family" in black on the two different plates. By placing on top of the cured layer of resin, you will see that the letters sort of "pop off" the plate. I love the dimension that it gives!
Now you are ready for a second coat of Amazing Clear Cast Resin to seal the letters in place. Spread resin around with your stir stick so it reaches all of the edges. Again, let this cure at least 24 hours (until it isn't sticky).
These plates will make fantastic Holiday serving plates {Amazing Clear Cast Resin is food safe} or even lovely decorations for your wall.

Thank you for taking time to read my first post.
I look forward to sharing more in the future!
Do you have any Holiday party ideas?
Stay tuned for more... ~ Tracy
You can find more of my work on my Blog: http://tracykrueger-nine.blogspot.com/2017/
or follow me on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tracy.albrechtsonkrueger
or Instagram: www.instagram.com/tgkrueger
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You can see Tracy's work along with other AMAZING Creations from our Creative Team at Creativation – Drop by the Alumilite/Amazing Casting Products Booth #2214.
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