Hello, AMAZING friends. Cheryl Boglioli here again today to share another fun project playing with Amazing Mold Putty and Amazing Clear Cast Resin. Warning…this is a little picture heavy!
It started with a tiny jar. This is one of those car fresheners from Yankee Candle.
It’s just too cute, don’t you think?
Following directions as on packaging, I mixed equal parts
of Amazing Mold Putty and rolled into oblong ball.
I pressed the small jar into the Amazing Mold Putty and rolled the sides up to the halfway point on the plastic jar. This was quite easy since the jar has slits to let the fragrance out at the half-way point.
After a few minutes, the mold was set and the jar came right out. Love the detail of the jar lid.
I wanted to create a antique canning jar, so I wanted to make a pretty green jar using Amazing Clear Cast Resin and Alumilite Dye. I mixed one small drop of Yellow Alumilite Dye and one small drop of Blue Alumilite Dye.
It came out much darker than I wanted. It was deep emerald to almost black. Lost much of the transparency this way. I still poured this into my molds and used it. I’ll find something to do with it later.
After the first attempt, I mixed another batch. This time, I mixed one whole drop of Yellow Alumilite Dye and a teeny tiny drop of Blue Alumilite Dye using a skewer and picking up one dot with the top of the skewer. Seriously, this stuff is so AMAZINGly concentrated, that it only takes a tiny bit. And voila! a light translucent blue/green color jar !
I poured my mixed resin into my mold. I still had some left over (I’ve since learned how to mix the right amount by pouring water into my mold and measuring how much water the mold will hold), so I poured the extra into other molds. Not going to let any go to waste. I even cheated and used another mold I had lying around the house. See the blue stripes in the butterfly? I used the tip of my skewer and the extra Blue Alumilite Dye that was on my nonstick craft mat to draw designs into my butterfly.
You can see the difference between the two colors I was able to achieve here. Look at the edges of the dark cameo and you can see more of the green. Where the pieces are thick, it looks almost black.
You’ll notice a haze on your pieces of cured Amazing Clear Cast Resin when using Amazing Mold Putty. All I had to do was mix a tiny amount of Amazing Clear Cast Resin again and paint over the pieces to bring the glass shine back. I didn’t paint over the clear cameo piece this time. I liked the haze on the cameo.
After it was all dry, I created my tag using Dylusions Ink Sprays and Dylusions stencils and stamps. I also used a stamp set, Friendship Jar Fillers, from Papertrey Ink for the marbles inside (under) the jar and for the Marbles sentiment. I used Helmar Gemstone glue to adhere the jar to the stamped tag. Once dry, it is completely clear.
I loved the quote when combining the two sentiments. For anyone who knows me, you will know how fitting this is to sit in my studio!
I hope you found some inspiration from my post and will stay in touch with me and see more of my work at Cheryl’s Window. Thanks for inviting me to be an Amazing Featured Artist. I love playing with these AMAZING products.
Cheryl Boglioli
Mixed Media Artist and Educator