Wednesday, July 31

Generations Inspired by Resin... AMAZING Inspiration from Tracy Alden

I am often inspired by the past, be it culture, art or even nature. Though one of the biggest inspirations is my mother, Theresa Brehm, a graphic illustrator, jewelry maker, silver smith, seamstress and writer. Some of my earliest memories is of her telling me to look at how wonderful nature is, to see the flowers and remember how important it was to go out in the wild. Her artwork often expressed her love of nature and her resin work was no exception. She worked with resin over 35+ years ago, at that point in time the resin were dangerous, required massive amount of ventilation, gloves and special chemicals, often pieces would take days to cure. My mother none the less still worked with it carefully and created works of art that she sold at art shows and galleries.

As a family we would often wander around looking for small flowers to dry and shells to include in her work. My father would buy special frames, dyes, glitters and equipment for her to add to the cabochons. Being rock hounds they would even collect beautiful tiny stones to as embellishments. She even created ways to place opal shards too small for cutting into resin, creating lovely opal shard focal pieces.

For many years she created these treasures but family and other work required her to put it to the side. She had given me some of her molds in hopes that I might find a use for them.

Years later when I started to work with Amazing Crafting Products, my mother became very curious about the new resins. She found it hard to believe they would be so easy to use and suggested I use her molds to test out the resin. 

Inspired by her world and love of nature I created a Retro Home Decor tutorial using one of her molds. Because it was so easy to do - I wonder if I can get my mother interested in working with Amazing Crafting Products. What new treasures might she make? :)

What AMAZING arts and crafts will you create

Please share them on the NEW user GALLERY on the Amazing Mold Putty Website!

Visit my blog Art Resurrected for more craft tutorials!

Until next time, safe travels! ~ Tracy


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Tuesday, July 30

Jewelry and Amazing Crafting Products, a Perfect Combination... by Maria Soto

Hi there, it's Maria to share some jewelry pieces I created using Amazing Crafting Products. One of my passions in crafting is jewelry making, I have been doing this for 13 years now. I love making my own designs and love to try all different types of materials, I especially love making my own beads, and now, I can make my own charms too.

I have this rose ring I made out of Pardo clay. I like big rings, so I made a pretty big rose that I hand painted and proudly wear it a lot, but it is a bit too heavy for me. As with all my other jewelry I strive to make pieces that are light and easy to wear – and as much as I love this ring, I can't wear it all day long. I found it a bit upsetting. Well thanks to Amazing Crafting Products, I was able to mold my ring and not only make another ring, but use this rose in other accessories too!

The pink rose ring is the original I made using Pardo clay, in the center is the other ring I made using the Amazing Clear Cast Resin, and on the right is a key chain also made the same way, except I added the Alumilite Red Dye.

These are the Amazing Crafting Products used to make my molds and casts, the pink rose ring was used to make two new roses, and the button was used to make a pendant.

I took two of my flower rings, one made out of beads and the pink is the one I made out of clay, the rest were purchased items, that I used to make more molds for future use. 

Here are the roses I ended up making, I used the Amazing Clear Cast Resin to make both, now one I added the Alumilite Pearlescent Metallic Powder to the the resin and then poured into the mold, the other I poured the Alumilite Red Dye into the rose after the clear cast resin was poured. I didn't want the rose to be all red, I just wanted some of the color to show in the center of the rose and still see through the rest of the flower.

Here I decided to use the red rose to make a key chain for my daughter. I used some of the Alumilite Copper Metallic Powder to color a piece of white paper that I cut by hand and the word Love were added by using Plaid's Mod Podge Dimensional Magic to adhere the papers prior to adding the Amazing Clear Cast Resin over the top.

Here is the final key chain, I added some white and red beads to the piece, poured the Amazing Clear Cast Resin on the entire piece and then I placed the rose I made. This is complete and is all ready for the chain, and to be added to a journal I made for my daughter. 

This is a pendant I made the same way as the rose, I added the yellow die to the resin prior to pouring in the mold, then I added a bit of the red die , I should say I used the iridescent powder on all pieces, I love the sparkle look it gives to the Amazing Clear Cast Resin.

I have to admit that you can become addicted to making molds, once I started with these, I began to look around to see what else I could use to make more molds. I love making one of a kind items, you can see how different you can make each piece, so it is still one of a kind. The clear rose I made is now a ring, it is so light, that I can now wear it all day long.

If you have not tried these products,
I suggest you do, it makes crafting more fun!!!

To see more of my creations, please visit my blog "What is Creativity?". ~ Maria

Thanks for stopping by and have a fantastic day!

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Monday, July 29

AMAZING Inspiration You've Never Thought Of...
by Rachel Whetzel

Hello, AMAZING people!! Rachel Whetzel, here again to show you my latest inspired piece! I am a farmer. I have milking goats, and I make cheese and butter with their milk. I also have a registered herd name, that uses a monster that my husband and his brother imagined up when they were kids. They called it a MigMog, and when our own kids were little, Uncle Trever was kind enough to terrorize our middle son with thoughts of the terrifying beast. Eventually, we decided that MigMogs weren't really so terrible, and that they behaved like mischievous kids, and smelled like stinky farts. When he was about 6, our middle son drew a picture of what he imagined the MigMog to look like, so when we named our farm MigMog Acres, I decided to design my logo using my son's picture.

Then I got the idea to create my own custom butter and cheese stamp with that logo on it, using Creative Paperclay® to sculpt the logo, and then make a mold/stamp with the FOOD SAFE Amazing Mold Putty!! Here's a picture of what my butter looks like imprinted with the stamp I made!

What food safe products have YOU made using
Amazing Crafting Products?

Please share your projects in the comments below! If you create something inspired by my idea, please leave a comment with a link here, so I can come and visit to see! I would love for you to visit me at my "house" too!! Thank you so much for reading!! ~ rachel


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Saturday, July 27

Patron Saint of Hurricane Protection... AMAZING Inspiration from Tanya Ruffin

Hi, It's Tanya again with another Louisiana inspired project. Getting sick of them yet? I'm not. :)

I just LOVE Amazing Mold Putty! It gives you the opportunity to cast found objects and items you have hand made. I used polymer clay to create a sacred heart and made a mold, then cast it with Amazing Casting Resin.

Using a plain candle at the dollar store, I decoupaged a design I created from a painting of mine (and come computer work) to the candle. A few embellishments and my Amazing Crafting Products created sacred heart and I am ready to ward off the next hurricane.

I added Alumilite Silver Metallic Powder to the mold before I poured in the resin.

This gave the paint an extra pop when I painted the heart. The heart glistens in the light!

What ideas are swirling in your head
with the thought of casting your own handmade items?

If you create something from this inspiration, please leave a comment below with a link here so I can check it out! Please visit my site. Thanks! ~ Tanya


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Friday, July 26

DON'T Be a PLAIN JANE... Make a Resin Decorated Compact Mirror with this AMAZING tutorial by
Michelle Frae Cummings

The other day I was browsing the $2 bins at my local craft store and found some great compact mirrors. While the design on the compacts was pretty... it was not enough for a Artist like me, know what I mean? :)

So I thought it would be fun to decorate them with resin.

Let me show you how.


First begin by coloring over the top of the mirror with your alcohol pen. Add 2-3 layers of colors because the adhesive with remove some of it as you set the dew drops.

Then apply a thin layer of glue and begin placing your dew drops, trying not to overlap the compacts edge. The glue will keep the dew drops from shifting during the resin process.

Wrap your duct tape completely around the outside of the compact as shown. Press firmly onto all undecorated edges, even the bottom. 

Once you are sure the tape is secure, then you can begin mixing the Amazing Clear Cast Resin.

You'll want to combine a small amount of equal parts "A" with "B" and slowly pour into the duct tape cavity. Use the stir stick provided to guide the resin into the small places. 

When you have filled your cavity, then can you add your embellishments.

Here, I added micro and seed beads. Let your resin cure at least 10 hours. You want it to be hard to touch but still in that soft stage for trimming off any jagged edges.

While you pull away the duct tape, you might find that some of the resin has leaked onto the sides or hinge of the compact. Don't worry, with the help of a paper piercer, you can remove the unwanted resin easily. 

Finish your compact by gilding the edges with a silver leafing pen.

Here is another compact I made. I glued down some of my favorite jewelry charms.

What objects would you adorn
to customize your compact mirror?

Thanks for coming by! Please visit my blog, Faerie Dust Dreams for more creative inspiration.


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Wednesday, July 24

Never Leave Home without a Book Thong for Your Summer Beach Read... AMAZING Inspiration from Carole Lassak

Hi!! Carole here to inspire you with a quick, easy and fun project. Even though I have several electronic gadgets for reading a book – Kindle, tablet, iPhone – I still like the feel of the paper in my hands. On those occasions I need a way to mark my place. What is better than a handmade book thong!!

I created these from pieces I cast using Amazing Casting Resin in molds that I made using Amazing Mold Putty.

Cord, a few beads, knots, and crimps added to the resin charms equals a book thong. I used my Dremel to drill the hole for the cord in the resin charms.

What's on your summer reading list that could
use a book thong to mark your place?

You can see more projects using Amazing Crafting Products on my Create & Craft blog. Thanks for stopping by and have a great day!

~ Carole

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Tuesday, July 23

Solar Yard Light Redux with Amazing Clear Cast Resin... by Lonnie Sexton

This post is inspired by LED yard lights and Amazing Clear Cast Resin. Yard lights can be found at any hardware store. The lights I found have an on board battery and solar panel. The solar panel keeps the battery charged in the day and turns On the LED light at night by means of a photovoltaic sensor. At night the LED runs off battery power. They are easy to disassemble and re-purpose. It’s also easy to change the LED to any color.

Solar LED yard light

The Target

This yard stake came with my house when I moved in. It's 1/2" thick glass and 4" dia. The plan is to replace the glass butterfly puck with a custom design Amazing Clear Cast Resin puck and add solar back lighting.   

Glass Puck Yard Décor.

Back lit with Solar yard light LED.


Cut Pieces of cell foam with new design.

5-min epoxy Coating.

I find a lot of inspiration from video games. All the greatest stories and adventures wrapped up in a world you control, over flowing with artistic volume. The symbol used on the custom Amazing Clear Cast Resin puck is from a popular Ubisoft video game series. Only those protecting the pieces of Eden or Knights Templar know its meaning... Don't you love mystery?

Green Putty Filler, Sanded, Mold Release applied.

The Alumilite Rubber to Rubber mold release is designed for stopping a newly poured batch of silicone rubber from adhering to a cured piece of silicone rubber. It also works for porous materials like cut cell foam.  

Amazing Mold Putty Finished Mold

Gold Metallic Powder brushed onto the face of mold.

I am new to using casting powders in molds. I thought this would be a good time to try one out as I plan on sanding the finished cast anyway. After the finish came out I was hesitant to sand it off, but I just decided to stick to the plan. Cash for Gold turned me down for trade in... darn!

Gold Surface in Amazing Clear Cast

Sanding Amazing Clear Cast Resin will make it "frosted" or foggy.

 Filled with Amazing Clear Cast Resin mixed with Alumilite blue dye.

The symbol represents an ideal that in itself is opposite from its purpose. Like the Yin-Yang everything has balance, everything has an exact opposite.

Blue Face, Partial fill 1/4" thick with Amazing Clear Cast Resin
mixed with Alumilite blue dye. 

Air bubbles settling from the Clear Cast Resin.

at 2 Hours of cure time.

The end result, polar twins...

LED Solar Assembly - The Adventure is not over....

The light only snapped together, so no tools were needed to remove the panel, battery and LED. The amber LED was replaced with a new brighter color. The new LED draws a little more power, but it's enough amp hours to stay lit all night in the summer. Drilled a relief hole in the top for the LED to rest in and secured with hot glue.

Circuit removed

Removing the factory amber LED

New LED installed

Relief hole for the LED to point into the casting

Solar light attached

Solar Assembly



I'm really satisfied with the outcome of this experimental project. I don't have much experience using Amazing Clear Cast Resin, but that is soon to change. Thanks for visiting!

Please come back and join us for more exciting projects, inspiration and tutorials.
~ Lonnie Sexton


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