Hello Amazing Crafters! Today is my last article as Featured Artist on the Amazing Casting Products blog. Over this past month I've been sharing some resin jewelry ideas with you – but today I'm stepping away from jewelry and I have created something that is a little bit more exotic.
The inspiration for this project comes from a gift my husband gave me many years ago - a beautiful Egyptian Perfume bottle. Its elegant shape and delicate 24K gold lattice embellishment make this a gift I treasure immensely.
A while back, this beautiful bottle was the inspiration for my line of Vessels and Vials – a collection of mini "Genie Bottle" pendants and earrings. Each one is a little masterpiece in its own right and whilst many of them went to new homes, I also created some to frame and hang on the wall in my studio!
Today's inspiration post takes me back full circle to the original Egyptian perfume bottle my husband gave me. Instead of creating pendant sized pieces, I'm recreating full-size perfume bottles in resin. My stash of jewelry findings provide everything else that I need to assemble them.
I was a bit nervous undertaking this project because I had no idea if I'd be able to remove my precious bottle from the Amazing Mold Putty once it had cured. But I took a deep breath and proceeded anyway!
To see how I created these fabulous faux bottles
please jump over to my blog HERE.
I hope this project inspires you to take a look at some of your collectibles and see what you have in your china cabinet that might be worthy of reproducing in resin.
Thanks for spending time with me this month as I shared my passion for resin with you – it's been a blast! ~ Myléne

For more inspiration, please stop by my blog (http://milllanestudio.blogspot.com),
visit my website (www.milllanestudio.com) for class information,
or join me on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/milllanestudio/).
For more jewelry ideas and inspiration, please check out my jewelry-making books: "Fabulous Jewelry from Findings" and "Stylish Leather Jewelry".
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